
Life is definitely an art, a game, a challenge … and above all a gift.

Life is that vast concept, unattainable and often incomprehensible, given to us at birth, and even before. Moment to moment, we are living. Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s full of fears … and sometimes we can live life fully.

For me, conducting psychotherapeutic support to people seeking to overcome their emotional, relational or health difficulties to enjoy a harmonious and happy life, is both a profession and a passion. Psychology, Gestalt therapy, systemic constellations, life experience … are doors or tools, to discover, to feel, to flow with the river of life, out of the universal acceptance of the uniqueness of each and every one, recognizing just what it is, the way it is.

Psychotherapy available in English, Spanish, French or Catalan

(Soon other content of this site will be available also in English)
