Posts by: Anna Ferre

Oct 232013

ready to die

When we let go of what we really want, detach from those who we love the most, release even this our existence, we can suddenly become alive. Living life as the gift it is, enjoying it more fully, also sustaining disease and pain and live with less fear,  knowing that we have already died.

Oct 222013

I know that I don’t know

Claudio Naranjo says that “people are difficult to guide 
 when they think they know the answers. 
 When they know they do not know, 
 they find their own way.” Believing this is trusting, trusting me, trustin the other, trusting there ia a path, a path to be made, each his own, at his or her own pace.  I learn this every day in my work as a psychotherapist, and every day I wake up with a new challenge: trusting without “knowing”, knowing about me, getting to know from the full presence of my being.

Sep 262013

You and me

Dedicated to my partner, my father, my mother, my daughters … and  the couples who right now are going to grow (together or apart) sailing with love in conflict waves. And, ones again,  I dedicate it to myself


I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped.

I lack of love to Myself
When, trying to please you, I betray me.
I lack of love to You
When, I try to change You,
Rather than accept You as You really are.
You are you, and I am I.

Fritz Perls

(Thankfull to F. Perls, to Quim, to Ágata and to all who have helped me go through these words)


Sep 232013

flow together

To gather, to meet and reconnect, being open to our deep feelings, open to explore without judgment, trusting others, simply because they are there, also open and trusting, and because they are made of the same clay that I was also created. .. and then the energy goes up or down, in and out, dances many dances … and everything flows with life, which makes herself shown, generous and clear, before our  open and surprised eyes, both in our the face and in our soul. (Thanks to all who sharee an afternoon of  constellations, intense and peacefull at the same time)

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