
Aug 282015

return to everyday life

Undo your bags, those that were filled with light expectations and desires. Undo your bags, which now bring a little more worn out and a little dirtier clothes, after walking new places, crossing by new people. Breathe deep gratitude for what you have lived in the time you’ve been away from your everyday life. All that, yes, eating and sleeping a lot and at odd times, deeping into the sea or walking new paths or streets, doing things you normally do not do and that make you feel so well, even those excesses that precisely because we do not do every day, you feel rather as if you can conquer a small freedom.

Undo your bags, replace your things and fill your daily life with this simple relaxation, with that carefree wandering. Go back to your home, make it yours again, redecorate it with moments of deep breathing, laughter while drinking beer, the lovely meetings with friends and those anecdotes that in the distance become nice. You will find that putting your holiday by bits in different corners of your house, your protected space, the return makes you feel happy. And if not, perhaps it is time to start thinking about doing occasional repair work or even move out.

Jul 012015

summer therapy is called holidays

Humans have a tendency to accumulate. We accumulate things, knowledge, money, affection, belongings, experiences … and also fatigue. When summer comes, the end of the school year, we have on our backs many hours of work, conflicts, and efforts to solve several problems. oh dear! Often we ignore our needs and our limits. We can’t cope with our lives. Perhaps it is then when holidays can offer more than just a break. They can be our self-therapy, the time we need to connect with ourselves, to realize how we take care (or neglect) ourselves, time to become aware of whether our life is the life we want. And so, be able to decide to act with us, taking responsibility for what we live, giving value and space to all what really makes us rejoice to be alive.

Apr 222015

the i

Life is incomprehensible. Accidents happen, everything has many angles, many responsible people, and sometimes none. Not everything can be controlled … actually almost nothing is controllable. We are fragile, so is human existence. The society in which we live is sick, and it even weakens us more because it pushes us away from our natural being, Mother Earth. The world we are creating does not want to look at the monster. And so the monster, crouching between comfort and fear, grows. (In memory of those who die at sea looking for a life, of those who kill without knowing they are killing and dieing and of those who allow others to kill,  look away.)

Mar 252015

behind illness, health

Let us start with the first premise: getting healthy is an act of responsibility and awareness that something in our life feels no good. Healing is more than just taking our body to the doctor for repair, as if we were taking the car to the mechanic to replace one piece with onother one. As humans, our body, our mind and our emotions are constantly interrelated. Furthermore, we are unconsciously connected to the history of our family, what often we perceive as carrying a ‘backpack’. We can say that sometimes, behind the disease we can find connections with family dynamics that act as a barrier to health, as if by loyalty to the history of our family we were reviving old conflicts in our body.

Therefore, the symptom or disease can be very powerful allies to explore and realize what we need to get healthy and improve our lives. Sometimes we see it clearly, as when after months of stress-eg for work or economic concerns- we start to have anxiety or  stains appear on our skin. But it is not always easy to read what is happening and the disease is coming to show. With systemic constellations we can access relevant information in very short time. The look at family background spanning generations is an important piece of a comprehensive treatment concept, while breaking new ground so that the person can activate self-healing resources.

(May 30, day of constellations of diseases and symptoms. More info here)

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